![]() | Layer Photoshop Import | Loads a complete PSD File, including individual Photoshop layers and properties. |
Ventuz offers a Layer Node that is able to import *.PSD Files created in Adobe Photoshop (or other tools that can export to the PSD format) and handle its layers as individual Ventuz Layers keeping the original Transparency and Blending Mode properties.
This enables a very streamlined workflow, where you can create and design your graphics or mockups inside Photoshop, and reuse them directly inside Ventuz Designer Layer Editor - without the need to export and recreate the Photoshop layers inside Ventuz Designer.
You simply need to add a new Layer of the Type Photoshop Import. It will create a Photoshop Layer Group - a special Layer Group that can read out PSD files and create Layers based on the original layers into that file. For each layer it creates a Texture Layer and copies the Opacity, Blending and Layer Mask to the new layer. Alternatively, you can Drag and Drop the PSD file into the Layer Editor.
After import the created layers can be edited like any other Texture Layer, and the Photoshop Import Layer like any other Layer Group. Both the PSD Layer Group and the individual layers features the same properties as any other layer inside Ventuz, they support effects and their layout, blending, etc can be edited like any normal Ventuz layer.
Note that Text Layers will rasterized before import and the text itself is not editable anymore. The Layer behaves like any normal Layer. The order of the Layers will be shown in opposite direction to the Photoshop Layer Editor, because of the render direction within Ventuz.
Blending operations, including modes, opacity and masking, can be switched ON or OFF for each individual layer by Clicking on the check mark close to the Blending caption. If the check mark is shown, the blending operation, including opacity, mode and mask, is calculated for the current layer. If a dash is shown in front of the Blending options, the blending operations are not calculated.
The properties available allow editing the Blending Mode with the same standard Blending Modes used by most compositing software packages like Photoshop, Blending Opacity, where 100% means totally opaque, and some controls that allow connecting or disconnecting layers, like Blending Blocked.
This option enables Layer masking, i.e. using the Color or Alpha values of a texture to set which areas of the current layer are opaque and transparent. This allows creating “cutout” areas and effects that can be combined with the Blending options above. Masks can be directly imported with the PSD file and will be part of the Loader or you use Ventuz own possibilities of Masking.
Ventuz features different types of Masks and Mask presets like:
Uses a texture as the mask source, there are many preset options available like Loader, Checker, Checker Blue, Checker Dots, Lines, Dimple and Noise. For an in-depth description of all the options available check
Texture Property adds an external texture, that can be edited in the Content Editor, so it . It can be an Empty Texture Property, or some additional presets are available to create a connection to Movie Files, Live Video, Gradient Texture or Texture Loaders.
Opens the new Ventuz Gradient Editor to create a Gradient image that will be used as Layer mask. Check the Gradient Editor Section of this User Guide for reference.
This creates a vignette type mask on the Layer, a soft mask that affects mostly the areas closer to the Layer edges. The Vignette properties allow creating softer or harsher edges and controlling the Vignette shape.
The available presets are Default ( a standard Vignette), Horizontal and Vertical.
This creates a mask on the borders of the Layer, properties allow creating softer or harsher borders and controlling the their shape and thickness.
The available presets are Default (a standard border effect), Round 2% (a rounded corners border) and Square 2% (a transparent outline with straight corners).
Layout parameters control the texture size and position in many different modes - modes can be selected just by clicking on the small down arrow beside the Mode name.
The available Layout Modes are Full Size (default 1:1 size), Percentage (Position and Size expressed as a percentage of full resolution), Pixels (Position and Size expressed as pixel values), Aspect (Forces the Layer to get a certain Aspect Ratio) and Offscreen Render Target (doesn't show layer in final composition).
Mapping parameters control how the texture is mapped onto the Layer surface, regardless of its source. Ventuz supports various Mapping modes each one featuring its own parameters to control the texture position, size tiling, etc..
The available Mapping Modes are Stretch (Stretches the Texture to match the Layer Aspect ratio), Fit (Keeps original Texture Aspect ratio), Crop (Underscans the textures keeping aspect ratio), Polar (Maps using Polar Coordinate System) and Kaleidoscope (maps the tecture using a kaleidoscope pattern)
This section includes all the Image Post-Processing effects, or IPP effects for short, that you can apply to any layer. All of these effects are rendered in real time, but use them wisely, some combinations could have a huge impact on your scene real-time performance.
This Dropdown menu allows selecting a Mask for the effect, so the areas that will be affected by the effect. The options are similar to the ones available for the Layer (see above), and the only difference is the Mask Self option that masks the effect using the Layer Color information.
Creates a group of effects that will be applied together at once. It works exactly the same as the Effects Stack, so the same Effects can be added, moved, deleted and enabled inside of the Group in the same way you operate with the Effects Stack.
These effects are used to correct the color values of the layer. The available Color Correction IPP Effects are Grayscale (simple Grayscale effect), Color Grading (a standard color correction effect working with the RGB primaries), Color Correction (similar to Color Grading, but using the HSL/HSV Color model) and Gain (quick Gain color correction effect).
Please refer to the IPP Color Correction Effects section of the User Manual for more info.
These effects filter the pixel values of each layer, changing their position, adding new elements,or even changing the opacity of some of them.
The available Filter IPP Effects are Mosaic creates a set of tiles colored according to the original color values), Blur (averages each pixel color values with the surrounding pixel values) Glare (a smooth halo around the brightest areas of the layer), Crash Zoom (often called "God Rays"), RGB Noise (a video noise-like effect), Feedback (a trail effect by blending with previous frames), Posterize RGB (rounds up/down pixel color values), Posterize HSV (Posterize effect based on the HSV color mode, Edge Detection (detects the outline of shapes in the Layer), and Color Difference Keyer (similar to a Chroma Keyer, but using different math).
Please refer to the IPP Filter Effects section of the User Manual for more info.
These IPP Effects work mostly by changing the relative position of pixels in the layer.
The available Filter IPP Effects are Drop Shadow (2D shadow effect based on Layer Alpha), Lens Distortion (replicates artifacts created by lens spatial aberrations), Distortion (a standard distortion effect, combining most of the options available in the rest of IPP distortion effects), RGB Distortion (offsets and scales Layer RGB channels individually), 2D Displacement (displaces the Layer pixels according to the Luminance information of an external file), Noise Distortion (uses a randomly animated texture to create a fake Noise Displacement effect), Polar Distortion (transposes the x and Y pixel coordinates in the original image to a Polar Coordinate system) and Kaleidoscope Distortion (Kaleidoscope pattern effect).
Please refer to the IPP Distortion Effects section of the User Manual for more info.
Imported PSD Adjustment Layers will be visible in Ventuz as own layers, but they don't have effect on the other layers by default. You need to merge Layers with the Adjustment Layer and Layers with effects need to be rasterized. Alternatively, you can try to use the Ventuz Effects.