Startup: At least one of the Ventuz Runtimes is in the startup process
Ready: All Runtimes of a Ventuz Cluster are ready
RuntimeMissing: At least one of the Ventuz Runtimes in a Cluster is missing
MachineMissing: At least one of the Machines could not be reached for a longer period of time.
ClusterClock: Cluster Clock frame counter which represents the elapsed time as frame index.
Time: Cluster Clock value which represents the elapsed time in seconds.
TimingMaster: Indicates if a machine is the clock provider for a cluster of machines.
FrameRateNumerator: Frame-rate numerator value to calculate exact frame-rate.
FrameRateDenominator: Frame-rate denominator value to calculate exact frame-rate.
SecondField: Indicates whether the 1st or the 2nd video field for interlaced formats is currently processed. For progressive output formats it is always switching between true and false due to technical reasons.
Locked: Tells you wether the Port is open or locked.
Identity: The identity of a scene is the actual filename of the scene used to identify a scene by Remoting. The Identity uses forward slashes as directory separator ans comes without file extension (.vzs)
Generation: The generation counter of a scene starts from zero and is increased is saved. The Generation can be used to ensure that multiple machine have the same file generation loaded in memory.
TrackingSystem: Provides the currently connected Tracking System on your machine that will affect all Default and Tracked Cameras. Possible Systems are None, OpenVR, Vive, Oculus, FreeDTrackmen, NCam, MoSys and Stype.
IsHeadMountedDevice: This flag is turned on when the used Tracking comes from a Head Mounted Device.
IsTracking: This flag represents whether the System uses a Tracking System or not.
ID: Provides the unique Project ID (guid) every Ventuz Project can be identified with.