String | This node provides a constant string value. | |
Boolean | This node provides a constant boolean value. | |
Int | This node provides a constant integer value. | |
Float | This node provides a constant 32 bit floating point value. | |
Double | This node provides a constant 64 bit floating point value. | |
Array | This node provides a constant array of a range of types. | |
Color Value | This node provides a constant color value. | |
Event | This node triggers events. | |
Event Filter | This node filters incoming events by their arguments. | |
Event Dispatcher | Assign an incoming value to an output specified by the index of that output. | |
Value Switch | Dispatch an incoming event to an output specified by output-index. The index can optionally be carried by the incoming event. | |
Multi Switch | This node passes one of a number of input values to the output. All input values have to be of same type. | |
Value Dispatcher | This node processes multiple inputs and passes the result to the output. One can handle multiple input groups with a single index. | |
URL | This node creates a Ventuz or File URI which is needed to specify the location of resources. | |
Toggle | This node toggles between the two output states True and False. | |
Timer | This node provides a stopwatch functionality. | |
DateTime | Provides the local Date and Time split into its components. | |
Value Buffer | This node buffers values until they are needed for further processing. | |
SystemID | This node provides different information about the Ventuz Scene, Project, Configuration and helps to identify machines in a Ventuz Cluster. | |
Render Setup Relation | This Node provides information about the relation between a screen, composition, canvas, output or machine inside a Render Setup. | |
Log | Prints user generated messages to the Performance Statistics. | |
String Splitter | This node splits a text string into text fragments which can be accessed by their inde | |
String Casing | This node sets all input text characters to either upper or lower case letters. | |
String Replace | This node searches and replaces a substring within a text string. | |
String Search | This node searches a substring within a text string. | |
String Trim | This node removes characters from the start and/or end of a text string. | |
String Length | This node provides the number of characters in a text string. | |
C# Script | A content node that can host a piece of C# source code in order to extend Ventuz with custom functionality. | | Script | A content node that can host a piece of Visual Basic source code in order to extend Ventuz with custom functionality. | |
SceneEvent | This node triggers an event on scene activation. | |
Identity Matrix | This node creates an identity matrix. | |
Zero Matrix | This node creates a matrix containing only zeros. | |
Matrix View | This node creates a View Matrix from user friendly inputs. Best used with the Camera Node. | |
Matrix Projection | This node creates a Projection Matrix from user friendly inputs. Best used with the Camera Node. | |
Manual Matrix | This node provides a matrix where every element can be set manually. | |
Transformation Matrix | This node provides a matrix to transform along the X, Y and Z axis, combining the Rotation, Scaling and Translation in a single Node. | |
Matrix Switch | This node switches between one of eight input matrices and passes it to the output. | |
Matrix Morph | This node interpolates linearly between two input matrices. | |
Matrix Operation | This node multiplies, divides, add or subtracts two or more 4x4 matrices. | |
Vector Transform | This node transforms a vector (X,Y,Z,W) by a 4x4 matrix and optionally de-homogenizes the result. | |
Linear | This node interpolates linearly between a start and target value. | |
Decay | This node interpolates linearly between a start and target value. In contrast to Linear the gradients for increase and decrease can be set individually. | |
Damper | This node interpolates between a start and target value with ease-in and ease-out. | |
Oscillator | This node oscillates around a target value, beginning at a start value. | |
Ease | This node interpolates between a start and target by using common easing functions. | |
Ease Morph | This node blends a Begin and Target value according to a specified easing function based on the Morph value. | |
Clipping | This node clips and maps a range of values to another value range. | |
Delay | This node transfers values from input to output with a customizable delay. | |
Array Ease | This node interpolates each index of an array between a start and target by using common easing functions. | |
Array Ease Morph | This node blends each index of an array between a Begin and Target value according to a specified easing function based on the Morph value. | |
Loop Breaker | Breaks circular binding dependencies for the cost of one frame delay. | |
Invert | Inverts a value arithmetically or logically. | |
Float Expression | Provides the possibility to write logical C# expressions with a Float as resulting output value. | |
Double Expression | Provides the possibility to write logical C# expressions with a Double as resulting output value. | |
Int Expression | Provides the possibility to write logical C# expressions with an Int as resulting output value. | |
String Expression | Provides the possibility to write logical C# expressions with a String as resulting output value. | |
Boolean Expression | Provides the possibility to write logical C# expressions with a Boolean as resulting output value. Additional it provides True and False Event outputs. | |
Date Time Expression | Provides the possibility to write logical C# expressions with Date Time as resulting output value. | |
Float Array Expression | Provides the possibility to write logical C# expressions with a Float array as resulting output value. | |
Double Array Expression | Provides the possibility to write logical C# expressions with a Double array as resulting output value. | |
Int Array Expression | Provides the possibility to write logical C# expressions with an Int array as resulting output value. | |
String Array Expression | Provides the possibility to write logical C# expressions with a String array as resulting output value. | |
Boolean Array Expression | Provides the possibility to write logical C# expressions with a Boolean array as resulting output value. Additional it provides True and False Event outputs. | |
Byte Array Expression | Provides the possibility to write logical C# expressions with a Byte array as resulting output value. | |
Dynamic Expression | Provides the possibility to write logical C# expressions with the ability to manual define in and output values. | |
Enumeration | Enumerates words from a custom list and provides their indices. | |
Directory | Searches a specified directory and provides files, matching a specific search-pattern. | |
Counter | Provides integer values on demand or automatically in a customizable range. | |
Convert to Text | Converts and formats input values of different types to a text string. | |
Float Array Fill | Fills a float array with a specific numeric value. | |
Float Array Offset | Adds a specific value to every float array entry. | |
Float Array Analysis | Analyses a float array and provides some characteristic values. | |
Double Array Analysis | Analyses a double array and provides some characteristic values. | |
Int Array Analysis | Analyses a integer array and provides some characteristic values. | |
String Array Analysis | Analyses a string array and provides some characteristic values. | |
Array Indexer | Provides access to individual array elements. | |
Array Mixer | Mixes up individual arrays. | |
Visual Indexer | The Visuals Indexer determines the Data Pool of a Visuals URI. | |
Cluster Task | Waits for all Cluster Machines to trigger the Input Method and only then fires its Event. | |
Cluster Data | Sends values or events from the Cluster's master machine to all clients. These will be applied/fired in the same frame. | |
Data Portal Sender | Sends data without a direct binding to a Data Portal Receiver node within the Runtime. | |
Data Portal Receiver | Receives data from a Data Portal Sender node. |