Transition Info | Node provides information about the progress of a running Scene Transition |
The node provides information for a Template Scene or the Transition Scene while running a Scene Transition. Depending on wether the node is within a Custom Transition or a Template, it has different output properties. Within the Transition Scene the audio cross-fade of the Templates can be controlled via the Main Animation's keyframes.
The commonly shared output properties, IsIncoming, IsOutgoing, IsTransition, show wether the node is within the incoming Template or the outgoing Template of the Scene Transition or if its in the Transition Scene itself. IsIncoming and IsOutgoing are set True while the Scene Transition is running. Transition Scene is always True inside the CustomTransition.trans.
Output Properties | Description |
Incoming and Outgoing | within the .trans Scene, they are always false. |
Transition Scene | is always True and indicates, that node is within the .trans Transition Scene. |
Progress | Progress of the Transition animation from 0 to 100; runs with the Take of the Transition Scene. |
With the Input Properties Volume In and Volume Out the volume level of the Templates while the Transition is running. Within the Preset Scene Transition ( File: New from Preset: Scene Transition) the properties are already bound to the Animation with a basic crossfade. The volume level is available as output in the Template's Transition Info node and can control the audio level of a Movie Clip node.
Output Properties | Description |
Appearance | The output indicates, if the Template is on Present State (100) or Begin/End State (0). The value is increasing/decreasing with the Template Animation's progress. |
IsIncoming | True while the Template/Scene is the incoming Template of the Scene Transition. |
IsOutgoing | True while the Template/Scene is the outgoing Template of the Scene Transition. |
IsTransition | is always False when outside the .trans Transition Scene. |
Name | The name of the Transition while the Scene Transition is running; otherwise <null> (Note: It shows the name of the Transition, not the .trans.vzs Scene name). |
Progress | Progress of its own Template Animation from 0 to 100. |
Running | True while the Scene Transition is running. |
Uri | While running: the Uri of the .trans.vzs Scene in the ventuz:// scheme; otherwise <null>. |
Volume | The volume value which is passed from the Transition Scene's Transition Info node, to control the audio level as described above. |
Within the Template Scenes there are no inputs for the Transition Info Node.
In general the output properties can be used to trigger custom logic within the Scenes, depending of the status and behavior of the Scene Transition.