Data Portal Sender | Sends data without a direct binding to a Data Portal Receiver node within Runtime | |
Data Portal Receiver | Receives data from a Data Portal Sender node |
The Data Portal Nodes exchange data unidirectionally between each other without the typical Ventuz binding. It is possible to send data from any place to another within a single Runtime. Next to all standard data types like float, strings and arrays, the Data Portals can send textures and JSON objects. The connection between the Sender node and the Receiver is 1 to n. So multiple Receiver nodes can access the same Sender. Internally, the Sender Data Portal writes to the memory and is available to any Receiver Data Portal(s) to read the data.
It is not possible to write with multiple Sender nodes to the same Receiver address.
The Scope of the nodes acts as part of the address. Both the Sender and Receiver must to use the same Scope to transmit data.
The Output Data properties of the Receiver are updated when the Input Data channels of the Sender are added or deleted. The Outputs are always the same as the Inputs. Be aware, deleting the Input channel will also un-bind any and all bindings on any and all Data Portal Receivers with its address. If the node is not connected to a Sender, the channels are not updated. Changing the Receiver to a non-existing node, will not delete the channels. When changing a Receiver to an existing Sender, the outputs of the Receiver, and bindings, will be immediately affected.