 | Arrange | This node arranges objects according to their bounding box information.
The Arrange node can be used to do automatic positioning and arranging of objects in a scene. It evaluates the bounding boxes of its direct children and based on the Alignment properties will for each axis either do nothing, chain them one after the other or align them. The ChainOffset can be used to add additional spacing between consecutive children. The following describes the alignment settings in more detail, here on the example of the AlignmentX property:
- None: No repositioning on the X axis takes place
- Left: A repositioning takes place so that the left boundary of every objects bounding box lies on the coordinate X = 0
- LeftChain: The objects are arranged left to right starting at X = 0. The left bounding box boundary of the next object lies on the right bounding box boundary of the previous
- Center: A repositioning takes place so that the center of every objects bounding box lies on the coordinate X = 0
- CenterChain: The objects are arranged on the X axis and the middle of the complete arrangement lies on X = 0
- Right: A repositioning takes place so that the right boundary of every objects bounding box lies on the coordinate X = 0
- RightChain: The objects are arranged right to left starting at X = 0. The right bounding box boundary of the next object lies on the left bounding box boundary of the previous
It is often helpful to add a Volume Node to a child subtree so that regardless of orientation, the subtree has a consistent spacing to its neighbors.
The Control property can be bound to a Ticker or Layout Node to create crawls, tickers and similar text effects.