![]() | Live Video | This node provides video input from SDI/DVI input cards, webcams, TV tuners, DV device, etc. as a texture. |
![]() | Movie Clip | This node loads movies of many file formats and provides their content as a texture. |
![]() | Movie Frame | This node provides single frames of a movie clip. |
![]() | Movie Stream | This node provides single frames of a movie stream. |
The Live Video Node enables the display of live video content in Ventuz scenes. This live video can be mapped on any geometry just like any other kind of texture. Sources for live video can be e.g. Web Cameras, Digital Video Cameras, DVI and SDI Capture Cards and any other kind of input that can be connected to video input boards like the Blackmagic DeckLink video card.
The property Ordinal specifies the device which provides the video frames. The list of these devices can be edited in the Video section of the Audio Video Configuration. The methods Disable and Enable pause and resume the video input stream and shows in pause state either the last frame, black or white depending what you configured in the Board Options . The Live Video Node provides the live video frames in the Texture output property. This one has to be bound to a Texture node.
The output properties give information about the state of the current video source:
VideoSyncing: Set if the video node is enabled and Ventuz is syncing to the incoming video signal. If no signal is connected or it cannot be recognized the Live Video node keeps VideoSyncing set.
VideoRunning: Set if the video node is running and updates the video frames. If one has paused the video by calling the Disable method this property will be unset. Please note that all Live Video nodes that accesses the same physical video stream will changes their VideoRunning state if just one node has called Enable or Disable.
VideoError: Set if no physical video input is available at the current Ordinal (Off) or the video failed to initialize. (see Ventuz log for further details)
SecondField: Indicating if the 1st or the 2nd video field for interlaced formats is currently processed. If the video is progressive or not available at all (Video Error) the property is set to false.
VideoWidth/VideoHeight: Set to the video size in pixels if VideoSyncing and VideoError are cleared. If the video is paused (VideoRunning cleared) this value are still valid. If the values are undetermined or the video input is in syncing or error state VideoWidth and VideoHeight are set to -1. Please note that interlaced input signals report the full-frame size here. Some boards and signals may return an odd number of full-frame lines - dividing this value by two is not always the correct way to determine the actual height of the field!
To read ancillary data from an SDI input, first check Enable Ancillary Input in the Machine Configuration. Then click on Edit Custom Model at the bottom of the properties window of the live video node. This allows to add reading certain kind of information:
Name | Description | Standard | Supported on |
LTC_ | LTC timecode | RP 188 | Deltacast, DVS, Black Magic |
VIT1 | VITC timecode field 1 | RP 188 | Deltacast, DVS, Black Magic |
VIT2 | VITC timecode field 2 | RP 188 | Deltacast, DVS, Black Magic |
AFD_ | Advanced Format Description | SMPTE 2016 | Deltacast, DVS |
Timecodes are accepted on any line and identified by the distributed binary bits. Deltacast expects AFD only on line 11, DVS accepts any line.
AFD returns a single integer. It contains the aspect ratio bit in bit 0 (0 is 4:3, 1 is 16:9), and the AFD code in bit 1 to 4. This corresponds with bits 2 to 6 in the ancillary packet. A value of -1 indicates that no AFD was found:
How to interpret the data (for details see SMPTE 2016):
AFD Code | Value 4:3 | Description for 4:3 | Value 16:9 | Description for 16:9 |
-/- | -1 | AFD not found | -1 | AFD not found |
0000 | 0 | undefined | 1 | undefined |
0001 | 2 | reserved | 3 | reserved |
0010 | 4 | not recommended | 5 | not recommended |
0011 | 6 | not recommended | 7 | not recommended |
0100 | 8 | letterbox with bar data | 9 | letterbox with bar data |
0101 | 10 | reserved | 11 | Reserved |
0110 | 12 | reserved | 13 | Reserved |
0111 | 14 | reserved | 15 | Reserved |
1000 | 16 | full-frame 4:3, same as coded | 17 | full frame 16:9, same as coded |
1001 | 18 | full-frame 4:3 | 19 | pillarbox 4:3 |
1010 | 20 | letterbox 16:9 | 21 | full-frame 16:9 |
1011 | 22 | letterbox 14:9 | 23 | pillarbox 14:9 |
1100 | 24 | reserved | 25 | reserved |
1101 | 26 | full-frame 4:3 with alternate 14:9 center | 27 | pillarbox 4:3 with alternate 14:9 center |
1110 | 28 | letterbox 16:9 with alternate 14:9 center | 29 | full-frame 16:9 with alternate 14:9 center |
1111 | 30 | letterbox 16:9 with alternate 4:3 center | 31 | full-frame 16:9 with alternate 4:3 center |
AFD Code 0100 (8/9) requires additional information about the size of the letterbox / pillarbox bars. This data is contained in the AFD data, but currently not reported to Ventuz. This is used to specify the bars when the content is wider than 16:9.
To clarify this encoding, here is some background information. The ancillary data stream encodes the first word of the ADF as follows:
bit 9 | bit 8 | bit 7 | bit 6 | bit 5 | bit 4 | bit 3 | bit 2 | bit 1 | bit 0 |
!Parity | Parity | 0 | code3 | code2 | code1 | code0 | Aspect | 0 | 0 |
The reason for this encoding is that some hardware operates with 8 bit and not the full 10 bit, throwing away the two least significant bits.
Ventuz shifts the data by two, so the value ends up looking like this:
bit 31..7 | bit 6 | bit 5 | bit 4 | bit 3 | bit 2 | bit 1 | bit 0 |
0..0 | 0 | 0 | code3 | code2 | code1 | code0 | Aspect |
The Movie Clip node gives the Ventuz operator more control over initialization and playback of movie clips. It provides frame accurate playback for use in Ventuz Cluster setups, is able to play the most common video container formats like WMV, AVI, MOV and MKV, and is capable of playing Quicktime movies in Ventuz. For all full list of supported video codecs, see Supported Video Formats. The video decoder in this node is based on the FFMPEG project and provides the best performance compared to pre-installed DirectShow and WMF decoders.
The configure button at the bottom of the property editor brings up the movie clip configuration dialog.
Here the way video frames are buffered is configured:
Audio is only available in Normal mode.
In some situations, the node may need to allocate more buffers than specified in the configuration. The amount of memory used for video and audio buffering can be monitored with the MemoryMB output property.
Only use this when playing interlaced movies to interlaced SDI outputs
This will guarantee that the fields of the movie will end up in the right fields of the SDI output. In any other scenario than interlaced playback to interlaced SDI, this will mess up the replay.
Usually Ventuz will automatically detect color space and range. But some codecs give false information, and some clips are badly encoded. These options allow to override the automatically detected. When using these options, be careful not to do more harm than good! These options do not apply to RGB encoded clips or images.
Color Space is one of the YUV color spaces. The difference between these is largest for saturated colors, so when in doubt use clips with color bars to check. On normal material the difference is often hard to see.
Name | Description |
auto | use automatic detection (recommended) |
BT601 | used by NTSC & PAL |
BT709 | used by modern HD standards |
SMPTE240M | interim specification, replaced by BT709 to which it is similar |
FCC | FCC version of NTSC, basically BT601 rounded to two decimals |
Many codecs encode YUV in a limited Color Range from 16 to 235 (Y) or 240 (UV), emulating the footroom and headroom of an analog signal. As color space, this is usually detected automatically. If this is wrongly detected, a significant change in contrast and brightness is seen, and the Color Range option can be used to override.
Disable Threading
For most codecs, each MovieClip node will create as many threads as there are cores available. If many clips are played back, this is counterproductive as these threads get in each others way. Also they may steal time from the Ventuz main thread, causing stutter.
Enable Audio Compensation
Often the audio hardware is not perfectly in sync with the video hardware. In such cases, the audio must be slowed down or sped up a little to compensate when playing back long video clips. This is called Audio Compensation and is explained in detail at the Sound Nodes.
The Movie Clip node provides several input properties for managing and controlling playback and output properties which inform about the state of the active movie clip.
In the category Movie, the input property File specifies the movie file to play. Enabled prepares the node for the actual playback. If a file is specified and the node is disabled, the clip file will be parsed to retrieve information about duration, resolution, etc. No textures are reserved in this state and the actual decoder is not initialized. A movie clip can however only be played back if the node is enabled! If the file contains multiple video streams, one can be selected with the VideoStream property.
The property AutoPlay specifies if playback should start immediately after the node is enabled and all necessary resources are initialized. Async defines if all necessary initializations should happen in the background to avoid render stalls.
In Async mode, enabling a movie and starting playback can have variable duration depending on the movie characteristics. The Seek operation is always asynchronous.
If AutoMipMap is enabled, MipMaps will be generated for every video frame texture to provide higher render quality especially if these textures are scaled or rotated. This feature is only available on graphics boards which support hardware mipmap generation!
In the category Seek, the SeekTo property specifies the position (in seconds) in the movie clip to which the decoder should move. AfterSeek defines the behavior after the seek operation has completed. Seeking is triggered by the Seek method. Possible settings for AfterSeek are:
Preserve | The node stays in the active state (Play or Pause). |
Play | The node starts playing once seek has completed. |
Pause | The node seeks to the requested frame, displays it and pauses the playback. |
The Scrub property enables scrubbing. In this mode the clip will follow the value of SeekTo directly. If the clip is configured for reverse play, it is possible to seamlessly scrub forwards and backwards as long as the decoding can keep up with the speed. Obviously the computer needs to be able to decode the clip at double speed if it is supposed to scrub at double speed, scrubbing backwards is even a bit slower. If the clip is configured to buffer all frames, scrubbing will never stutter.
With the Control methods, playback can be started or continued (Play) or paused (Pause). Restart will restart the clip from the beginning. If the clip is configured for reverse replay, you can use the Reverse property to switch the replay direction backwards. Restart and AutoPlay will then seek to the end of the movie and play backwards, too.
During reverse replay, loop points are ignored.
The Loop property can be set to loop playback of a movie. Four-point looping is supported. The Begin and End properties specify where playback starts and ends. With looping enabled, playback will start at Begin and play until LoopEnd, then jump to LoopBegin and continue looping until Loop is disabled. Once Loop is disabled it will continue to play back until End is reached.
The properties in the category Audio can be used to adjust the audio playback of the movie clip and to select a playback device for the audio channel. Audio playback can be completely disabled with the Audio property and the volume can be adjusted with the Volume property. If the file has multiple audio streams, one can be selected with the Stream property in the Audio category.
Several output properties inform about the movie characteristics and initialization and playback states.
In the category Movie, the Width and Height of the movie frames are provided. FPS provides the frames-per-seconds encoded in the movie and Duration its duration in seconds. If a movie clip has meta-date embedded, this information is made available in XML format by the Meta property. All of this information is available even if the node is not enabled because they are gathered in an initial file parse step. The Meta property can be evaluated with the XPath and XML nodes.
The Position property provides the active playback position in seconds. This property is set to -1 if the node is not enabled or if the movie file cannot be parsed or decoded.
The IsLoaded property is set to true if the movie file has been loaded successfully. Additionally, the Loaded event is fired. If a movie clip cannot be played for any reason, the Error event is fired. The IsEnabled property is set to true if enabling the node has succeeded without errors. IsPlaying is set to true during playback and set to false if the playback is paused or the end of the clip is reached. Every time the clip loops, the Looped event fires. When Loop is disabled and the clip reaches the End position, the Completed event is fired. Completed is not fired should the clip reach or pass the End position in Loop mode. The Seeked event is fired if a seek to a new position has finished and the movie is ready for playback again. The property Texture provides the current video frame and has to be bound to a Texture node. The MemoryMB property tells the amount of memory used for audio and video buffers. This may increase during playback if the clip is badly encoded.
When seeking a high-bitrate movie or multiple movies at the same time, it is very likely that the computer is not fast enough to immediately continue playback at the new position. This is especially problematic if multiple machines in a cluster are supposed to playback parts of the same movie clip.
A save method to do seeking is to pause the movie, seek, then wait a second for things to settle and send the play event.
Depending if the machine is part of a cluster, the movie clip node will behave differently:
Not in a cluster (GroupID zero): The movie will pause until enough frames are decoded to guarantee smooth playback.
In a cluster (GroupID not zero): If seeking failed to happen in time, a second seek is made to a time in the future, hoping that it's enough. This is like shooting clay pigeons, don't shoot where it is, but where it will be. If things went right, the first decoded frame will be slightly in the future, and displayed until real-time and movie-time are synchronized again.
You will want to avoid or minimize this mechanism. It is thought as a last measure to get things synchronized if something went wrong.
Ok | Everything is fine |
BadFile | Unsupported file format |
UnknownFormat | Unsupported video codec |
UnsupportedFeature | E.g. unsupported colorspace |
BadFormat | File is somehow corrupted or requires unknown features |
NoVideo | No video stream found |
InternalError | Unknown internal error |
OutOfMemory | Not enough memory for all video frame buffers available |
FfmpegError | Unexpected ffmpeg error |
NoAudio | Audio enabled but no audio stream found |
FileNotFound | Specified file was not found |
The Movie Clip node can not play back true video live-streams, that is what the Movie Stream node is for. Instead of opening a particular file like the Movie Clip node does one must input an URL address to a Live Stream on a Server.
The two can be easily confused. For instance, Youtube videos must be used with the Movie Clip node, as they can be seeked. Technically speaking, Youtube is just a file server for movie files. Still some other streams using the same primary protocol (http) are true live-streams and require the Movie Stream node. Rule of thumb: If it can't seek, use Movie Stream.
The Movie Stream node is not able to distinguish between a Stream and a File beforehand. When trying to access a file the node will behave strangely, so always manually ensure that the URL points to a stream.
The Movie Stream does not need as many Input Properties as the Movie Clip, since looping, seeking or restarting the stream is not possible. The according properties and fired events are left out in the Movie Stream node. All other Properties as well as the Configuration are similiar to the ones of the Movie Clip.
Note that the Movie Stream node may not change the buffering method - it may not play the stream reverse nor buffer the whole stream before playing.
When pausing a movie stream, no more data is processed or requested from the internet. When unpausing the stream it will resynchronize and play the most recent data. It is not possible to pause and resume like a digital video recorder.
We have validated the http, udp and rtp protocols. Since the implementation is based on ffmpeg, other protocols supported by ffmpeg may work too.
HTTP Live Streaming or HLS, a method that cuts videos into small segments and uses modified M3U playlists to put things back together, is not supported.
The Movie Frame node is almost the same as the Movie Clip node except that this node does not play movies in the common way. Instead, it accesses single frames of a video stream by frame index. The main application of this node is fast seeking within a movie clip that is optimized for such an operation, like Quicktime Animation movies.
The Movie Frame node does not handle any audio streams.
The Movie Frame node is also able to playback image sequences. An image sequence is a list of images files that fulfill some requirements:
Example: 200 files name from ImageSeq_0000.png to ImageSeq_0199.png
To select an image Sequence to be played back with the Movie Frame node, select the file open dialog on the File property of it and switch the browser to All File. Select one file of the sequence (this is usually the first file: 0000 or 0001).
Ventuz 4.3 removed a limitation that forced the Buffer All mode on.
The configure button at the bottom of the property editor brings up the movie clip configuration dialog.
Here the way video frames are buffered is configured:
In some situations, the node may need to allocate more buffers than specified in the configuration. The amount of memory used for video and audio buffering can be monitored with the MemoryMB output property.
The Loop property allows to specify a loop start point. The initial value of this property is -1, which disables this feature.
Imagine one wants to loop from frame 100 to 300, by having a mover or counter node controlling the Frame. Unlike the automatic looping feature of the Movie Clip node, Ventuz can not know that a jump back to frame 100 will happen, and when jumping back, there might not be enough time to seek, load and decompress the frame.
Setting the Loop property to 100 indicates to Ventuz that a jump back to frame 100 is intended, and the frame can be prefetched and stored, so they are immediately available when looping.
It is best to set the Loop property as early as possible. If the movie frame can be decoded at more than twice realtime, it is generally safe to set the Loop property during replay, prefetching the frames just in time.
When playing backwards and forwards:
When seeking randomly, it is recommended to only use clips with codecs which have either:
If you can afford the memory for using the buffer all option, try it out. The buffers are stored in CPU memory, not on the graphics card, and if the codec uses YUV, the buffers will also use YUV, taking less than half the memory compared to RGB.