Ventuz Shows Full Virtual Reality Integration at IBC
Date: 1st September 2016 |
Technology: Augmented Reality |
Everything is about the Virtual Reality these days, so it is about time for us to introduce you to our handcrafted full Virtual Reality integration that will be available with the next update of Ventuz 5. You can get a sneek peak at IBC 2016 in Amsterdam, which will take place September 9-13.
The integration supports HTC Vive and Oculus Rift and allows you to easily adapt your real-time Ventuz content for VR headmounted displays. Additionally, the powerful Interaction Functionalities of Ventuz can be used in the Virtual Reality as well, serving for complete and holistc experiences.
Thanks to our long-time customers Xlab from Prague, we will be able to show a fully functional VR project at IBC. You are welcome to stop by and try it. Naturally, in-depth demos on this integration and the other amazing features of Ventuz 5 will be available. Make sure to set up an appointment beforehand.
Meet Ventuz Technology at IBC 2016
RAI Convention Centre, Amsterdam, Netherlands
September 9-13
Booth of Maxon, Hall 7, Booth Number 7.K30