The Lenovo Experience

We are excited to share a fantastic installation created by Alt Enter, a division of Eventagrate Group, at Gitex 2023 – “The Lenovo Experience.”

This innovative interactive exhibit, powered by Ventuz technology, captivated attendees with its seamless integration of object recognition and immersive LED displays.

Visitors interact with physical objects to activate visual narratives on LED surfaces, demonstrating Lenovo’s focus on AI and sustainability. The installation provides an engaging, educational journey through these themes, highlighting real-world AI applications.


·      Integration of object recognition with LED displays.

·      Six themes including AI and sustainability.

·      Dynamic narratives changing throughout the day.

·      Detailed 3D models, articles, and videos.

·      Focus on real-world AI applications.

·      Emphasis on innovation and sustainability.

Learn more about the project

For a deeper dive into “The Lenovo Experience,” including videos and detailed insights, visit Alt Enter’s project page.


© Photos by Alt Enter