Texture Mixer

Texture Mixer This node mixes the RGBA components of two textures to a new resulting texture.

The Texture Mixer node provides possibilities to process and manipulate the RGBA components of up to two source textures. The result of the manipulation is then applied to a geometry. The textures which have to be processed by the shader have to be linked before the shader node in the hierarchy tree.

The manipulation is based on a Matrix-Vector multiplication:

M11 M12 M13 M14 R R'
M21 M22 M23 M24 x G = G'
M31 M32 M33 M34 B B'
M41 M42 M43 M44 A A'

This means that the new R value is R' = R*M11 + G*M12 + B*M13 + A*M14. Equivalent calculations are perfomed for the new G, B and A values. The matrices for the textures are specified by the input properties Transformation0 and Transformation1. If two textures are applied the resulting texture is calculated by addition of both matrix-processed textures. Furthermore it is possible to add offsets to the single RGBA channels via the ..._Offset properties.
Possible applications for the Texture Mixer node are: