
Visuals IndexerThe Visuals Indexer determines the Data Pool of a Visuals URI.

The Visuals Indexer Node takes a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) and determines the Data Pool of the Visuals URI.
The incoming URI is then passed to one of the output properties ImagesUri , TexturesUri, MoviesUri, ScenesUri, AudioUri, SoundUri, GeometriesUri or PageUri.
The output flags ...InvalidUri indicates if the URI is valid or not and can be used to block unused elements.
Beside the common audio-visual DataPools the VisualIndexer Node can also handle a special URI to switch to LiveVideo


where the 0 indicates the LiveVideoOrdinal

Due to the fact that some nodes like the Texture Loader can handle files from different DataPools the TreatTexturesAsImages and TreatSoundAsAudio properties redirect related URI's.

See also: