Multi-display installation for Vodafone at IFA
Date: 11th September 2013 |
Customer: Vodafone, Agency: evs-interactive, Artist: Sven Petersen, Location: Germany |
Event: Presentations, Exhibition: IFA |
Technology: Installation, Multi-display, Video Wall |
Ventuz was used in the last minute rescue of a multimedia video wall installation after another tool had failed to do the job.
Ventuz might not be able to save lives, but it sure can save a show. This happened just a few days ago at IFA, one of the biggest consumer electronics exhibitions in Germany. The guys at the Vodafone booth had tried to set up a display wall consisting of 18 screens using a common media server tool, but had been unsuccessful in achieving the desired result.
Our dear friend and customer Sven Petersen of evs-interactive received a late night call by some very irritated project managers and promptly hurried to save the day using Ventuz. The entire content including all programming was done in one very long day (about twelve hours) and went live according to schedule. “I chose Ventuz for this job, because it is the most flexible tool I know, and flexibility is key in tight situations such as this”, explained Sven.
The screens were arranged in a sophisticated manner, with a 3×3 video wall at the center, eight satellite screens around it and one 70″ screen on stage. The content consists of seven different shows and includes lottery questions, pre-rendered and live video as well as 3D animations. evs-interactive is running the entire show from one VBox machine using AMD FirePro 8800. IFA ends tonight, so in case you are there, stop by the Vodafone booth and keep in mind that Ventuz and evs-interactive made this happen.