Mining and Geological Museum of Apatite Installs Ventuz Powered Multitouch Table
Date: 1st March 2016 |
Agency: MediaVision |
Event: Museum of Apatite |
Market: POS/POI |
Technology: Interactive |
Apatite, the world’s largest producer of high-grade phosphate ore, entrusted the update of its Mining and Geological Museum to the agency MediaVision. An unusual interactive installation created with Ventuz is amongst the new multimedia items of the exhibition.
There are 20 touch sensitive mineral blocks spread over the map of the Khibiny and Lovozero Massif. Visitors can choose between two different storylines called “Facts” and “Game” to access different parts of the content.
When a mineral is touched, it starts to glow and three triangular arrows appear near it. The user selects one arrow to indicate his or her position, and an information window with interesting facts about the mineral (in “Facts” mode) or with quiz questions (in “Game” mode) appears in the chosen direction.
The installation inspired museum guides to develop a new educational excursion for school groups called “The Dance of Minerals and Lights”: young people explore the fantastic world of minerals through a dynamic, vivid experience.