Interactive Exhibition Technology for Lean Business Services

The project describes the innovative use of our software carried out by Alt Enter, a division of Eventagrate Group, to develop a series of immersive technologies that transformed the LEAN stand at the LEAP Technology Conference 2023.

This cutting-edge project exemplifies the seamless integration of interactive technologies. It offers attendees a captivating journey through the latest advancements in digital experiences.

The Alt Enter team used Ventuz to develop the core interactive modules that drove attendee engagement. From dynamic visualizations to immersive interfaces, every element was meticulously crafted to engage and educate.

Some of the highlights

  • Real-time, interactive digital entrance with immersive LED screens.
  • Interactive touch screen displaying personalized healthcare data.
  • Immersive room with touch technology & dynamic data visualizations.
  • AI-powered centerpiece with face scanning and health data predictions.
  • Reflection booth mimicking user movements and assessing mobility.

Behind the scenes, the use of Ventuz software played a pivotal role in bringing this vision to life. Its robust capabilities in real-time graphics and interactive content creation enabled the creation of stunning visuals and seamless user interactions.

Learn more about the project

For a deeper dive into “Interactive Exhibition Technology for Lean Business Services” including videos and detailed insights, visit Alt Enter’s project page.

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© Photos by Alt Enter