FOX selects Ventuz on-air graphics solution
Date: 20th February 2009 |
Market: Broadcast |
Technology: Motion Graphics |
Ventuz powers the next generation FoxBox!
Los Angeles / Hamburg: Fox Networks Operations & Engineering (NE&O) has selected the Ventuz Technology Group as their designated 3D software graphics rendering engine for their Next Generation FoxBox project. This is the software that drives all live sporting event clock and score graphics for Fox Sports Net (FSN) nationwide broadcasting of all major sports leagues and events. Ventuz Technology Group is now part of NE&O´s multi-phase initiative to upgrade their portable and fixed remote on-air graphic systems to real-time 3D. Upon completion of the roll-out to FSN´s regional networks which includes over a dozen regional offices throughout the country, production clients will benefit from enhanced visual graphics and seamless workflow for displaying informational content.
By choosing VENTUZ to power the new FoxBox on-air graphics system, NE&O once again proves they are an early adopter, not following the mainstream. The main reason for selecting VENTUZ was based on their continued need to develop solutions on open and scalable platforms. VENTUZ provides the ability to offer the newest technology as well as their unique open platform concept and simple licensing. VENTUZ´s licensing model doesn´t contain any add-ons or extra modules that need to be purchased separately. This allows customers such as Fox to provide full-featured solutions for a variety of broadcast environments. “The VENTUZ software solution not only enables us to implement cutting edge technology in record-breaking time of less then 2 months, it also ensures that we build our customized 3D graphics applications on a real-time software based graphics engine that´s open and flexible for our needs.” says Steve Simonian, Vice President Software for FOX NE&O and Project Manager for the FoxBox project.
“VENTUZ allows us to deploy cost effective solutions as well as react faster to changing demands of live broadcasts. For example, the VENTUZ software allows us to easily integrate 3D models from other graphics applications which are extremely helpful for streamlining the overall production workflow. Also, with VENTUZ, we´re able to quickly develop any type of on-screen graphic we require, for any type of sport or live event.” FSN has often been the testing ground and first phase for the innovative FOX graphics designs which will be propagated to other networks in the coming months. FOX NE&O and their business partners such as FSN and FOX Sports have been advancing the industry in live real-time 3D graphics. They were the first U.S. sports network to introduce the top-screen score/time graphics bar (initially known as the FoxBox).