AR Showreel “Tools Are Nothing”

Made with Ventuz & Unreal Engine.

Discover how our partner, Avant-Garde Imaging, leverages Ventuz software to revolutionize Broadcast and In-Studio productions with cutting-edge Augmented Reality (AR) technology. Watch the showreel below to see how AR brings dynamic and immersive experiences to life, enhancing storytelling and viewer engagement like never before.

AR Showreel Tools Are Nothing – video by Avant-Garde Imaging

About Avant-Garde Imaging

Avant-Garde Imaging was founded in 2009 in Toulouse, France, by two partners passionate about audiovisual innovation applied to events. Today, in 2021, the company employs eleven people and has a more diversified activity. Its success is linked to the strong appetite of its customers for technological progress. It has therefore had to overcome many challenges since its creation.

“[…] Ventuz provides many services because it is a tool that is always at the cutting edge of technological advances while keeping the imperative of robustness. The added value of Ventuz lies largely in its realism at all stages of production.” – Avant-Garde Imaging.

Interested in Ventuz?

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